• Announcements

    • Nordic Tim

      Welcome to AZSoccer!!   04/27/2017

      AZSoccer is the place for fans, players, coaches and enthusiasts. If you'd like to belong to or create your own supporters group, just check in at the water cooler and let us know and a moderator will add you to the group. Let's make Arizona the best place in the country to be a Soccer fan! 
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AZ Soccer

Rules and Etiquette

1 post in this topic

AZ Soccer is all about the sport that we love most, SOCCER!!  So chill out and have a good time. Get heated and show some passion for your favorite team, player or league.  But remember, this is an inclusive community designed to bring people together to share and have fun.  Please follow some simple rules and etiquette when posting and replying in the WinterReview forums: 


  • NO SPAM. Tell your cousin to advertise his new beanie company on Google like everyone else. 
  • HAVE RESPECT. Share your opinions and be passionate, but have respect. Personal attacks, threats and unreasonable profanity will get you banned. 
  • STAY IN BOUNDS. Post in the right forum. No one in the Arizona United section wants to hear about your grandma's lemon bar recipe. 
  • NO SPAM. We know you love your grandma's lemon bars, but link to her new website somewhere else. 

The AZ Soccer Forum is moderated by reasonable people who love Soccer and want everyone to have a good time. We'll treat you with respect and let you know if you're pushing the limits, but just like your favorite team, play dirty and you're out the game.

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